Membership Plans
If you’re looking for a way to spread the cost of your dental care or you would like to benefit from a discount on many of our treatment fees, then why not join one of our three affordable dental membership plans? (Our membership plan is subject to a one-off administration charge of £10).
They’re completely optional but packed full of benefits you won’t want to miss out on:
- Discounted treatment fees
- Guaranteed appointments with your preferred dentist
- Convenient monthly direct debit payments - spread the costs and budget for your dental treatment
- Access to a 24-hour emergency helpline
- Worldwide Supplementary Dental Injury and Emergency Insurance
Join today and start enjoying the benefits straight away
The Adelphi ‘Premier’ Plan
For just £16 per month – that’s just £4 per week! – you can benefit from:
- Two dental health consultations per year
- Two classic clean hygiene appointments per year
- All x-rays and issues of prescriptions
- 10% discount on all treatment fees (including teeth whitening, cosmetic dental and facial treatments)
- Membership card with 24-hour helpline for dental emergencies at home or abroad
- Worldwide Supplementary Dental Injury and Emergency Insurance
To find out more about our membership fees, plans and the Worldwide Supplementary Dental Injury and Emergency Insurance, give us a call on [01772 253 443] or ask at reception and we can talk you through the different options.
“I signed up to the Adelphi Extra Membership Plan because it just means that the costs of my twice yearly check-ups and my three-monthly appointments with the hygienist are covered without having to think about it. What a great idea!”